Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Welcome to Ryedown Lane, a blog about about railways, real and model. Some of you may be familiar with the name Ryedown Lane from my 009 model railway layout which has been seen at a number of exhibitions in southern England over the last decade or so as well as appearing in the pages of Railway Modeller and on the NGRM online forum.

I've greatly enjoyed exhibiting the layout and sharing this wonderful hobby with like-minded enthisiasts both at events and online. Given the situation at the time of writing (June 2020) and the cancellation of model railway exhibitions due to the coronavirus pandemic I thought I'd follow the example set by a number of fellow modellers whose work I admire and start a blog as another way of experiencing and sharing the hobby. 

You'll find a thread chronicling the layout's development, and some of it's fictional back story on the NGRM Online forum https://ngrm-online.com/ Due to issues with image hosting sites, a lot of the images posted on that site are no longer to be seen, so part of the rationale for the blog is to create a record of the layout that may, hopefully, be imune from any similar problems in the future.

It won't all be about Ryedown Lane; I'll be posting on other model railway projects and my wider interests in the real thing as well. From time to time we might even look at non-railway related interests.

I hope you'll join me for the ride.


  1. Just found this Pat, good luck, for blogs to get under your skin it’s about regular sharing, and these days that’s easier than ever. If I can help let me know!

    1. Thank you for your kind words James. To be honest I started playing around with it back in lockdown, something to help keep me sane (might be too late for that). I haven't yet worked out how to do all the things that I want to do with it which is why I haven't started to draw people's attention to it yet. After I set it up, work got very busy again and I have struggled to find time to get back to it and add any more content. I'm chuffed that I have a follower though. I'm enjoying following your blog, you always give us so much food for thought.




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